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Busy days

Busy days

Busy days

The last two days were quite busy with several meetings between EMI and the Life Impact Training Centre Board. The first discussions were about space use: where to situate the acedemic / learning activities, sports, public spaces and dormitories.

It was great to see the interaction and participation of the board on this matter.

While design work, soil and water tests, and measurements continued, the Training Board also had to stretch their minds in what the best approach would be to open the doors for Life Impact Training Centre.

Chamonix and Ben

We looked at how spaces can be repurposed until such time that sufficient funding could be secured to complete the first phase.

The next focus of discussions were around understanding the power needs for when the centre is in full operations: what machinery would be involved in teaching; lighting requirements, cooling and any other thing that might need power.

The training board had to determine which 3 buildings they needed the EMI team to focus on in terms of design. It was pretty tricky, as we had to think about what would help us tell the best story of how the space would look like, as well as what would help the board the most in terms of construction.

Saturday was also laundry day!

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One Response

  1. Sounds like lots of discerning going on. Exciting to dream the dream! May God hand be in it all and bless the eventual outcome.