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EMI team safely in Livingstone; Canadians enroute

EMI team safely in Livingstone; Canadians enroute

EMI team safely in Livingstone; Canadians enroute

Last night the EMI team concluded their stay with one night in Shiluwe Lodge on lake Itezhi-tezhi after intense work at the training centre, and today we had a leisurely drive through the Kafue National park seeing lots of game! I tried to take them to the Elephant orphanage, but for some reason, my coordinates were out! This took us on a less traveled loop where we had to do some planning to get through a dry riverbed with the RAV 4, which is lower than the other 4x4s. But it was fun. We finally reached Livingstone at 9pm!

In tthe meantime, the Canadians did a bit of exploring at Windsor Castle, England, while enroute to Johannesburg. Please pray for traveling mercies!

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