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Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

This is the question that was repeatedly asked, and today the answer was finally “YES”!! We stayed overnight in a very artistic place called ‘Corner Point Lodge’ in Namwala. I was impressed in how beautiful they made the gardens and also that they used an artist from Mumbwa to make beautiful sculptures throughout the facility.

The next experience was almost getting stuck in sand towards the ferry and I few anxious moments when my truck didn’t quite make it out the embankment after crossing the embankment and started sliding back! Fortunately, putting the vehicle in 4L and using the handbrake while releasing the clutch did the trick!

We were welcomed by everyone at New Life Tabernacle And Cell Ministries Church. The service was led by Fred Nel who spent the week teaching courses from Teach Every Nation’s Bible School on Wheels, while Allan led Communion.

After a lovely meal, we finally tackled the last shift to the Training centre where we settled in and started to prepare for the week of training.

Course completion certificates for Teach Every Nation’s course.

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By Bonnie Borchardt & Connie Phillips Allan taught the Tree

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