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Bread making!

Bread making!

Bread making!

On Tuesday, I set out with Charles to Itezhi-tezhi to prepare for Rosanne’s bread making class on Wednesday.  The challenge was to remember how to build two ovens – one for business purposes and one for household use – then to find the supplies for it. Forfunately the caretaker named Crispen, accompanied me, and Gertrude also met us on the way and helped secure 150 bricks!

We were surprised that about 30 women and men, young and old, showed up for the training!  Rosanne did an awesome job teaching and demonstrating various recipes, and the group worked in batches to participate making the various recipes as well as practicing building the household-size oven.

Several people expressed their thankfulness for the new skill learned, and this evening, a father told me that his 16-year old daughter came home and immediately made some bread for her mother!

Not all the breads were perfect and that is part of the learning to determine what needs to be changed to improve.

The spirit of Share Your Knowledge continues to thrive!

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