And so we came to the last day of training by the Impact Zambia 2023 team, and it was a jampact day!
Rosanne taught Quilting to 14 women in Itezhi-tezhi, Ross wrapped up some maintenance chores and filled testing holes around the site, Allan had a full day with the pastors on Pastoral counseling skills, and Charles and I visited the local clinic to bring the medical supplies such as bandages and dressings. They were overwhelmed by all the presents!
Following are some pictures of the day.

Infrastructure update!
Pastor Daniel met with the road contractor today and they were impressed by the facility we have. Daniel extended a warm welcome to them and their might be an opportunity to our training centre to get assistance with the bulldozers coming in for the road. Please pray for a good mutual benefit to everyone.

On my way back after helping Rosanne in Itezhi-tezhi, I thought of making a “one last time” video of the last stretch of road to the Training centre. About 1.5km from the centre I saw 4 men walking with yellow jackets on and my first thought was that they would be the people working on the road. So I stopped to talk to them to find out that they are actually the cellphone network company (MTN) and on their way to Masasabi to find out the population to determine the cellphone network need!
Just there and then I offered them a ride and introduced them to pastor Daniel who welcomed them and the leader of the team connected Daniel to the manager in Lusaka, and they will be making a report which will include the future training centre which for now, is planned to be 400 people.
Isn’t this wonderful? Just amazing! What is the chance of these meetings to have happened without God’s intervention? God is good – all the time!
2 Responses
Miracles upon miracles! God is good!
Thank-you for all of the blog posts – so encouraging as a witness to the light and life of Christ in this place. Praise the Lord!