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New Road becoming a reality!

New Road becoming a reality!

New Road becoming a reality!

I’m sitting outside in the bright moonlight listening to the beautiful harmonious singing of the people here at the training centre and my heart is filled with mixed emotions: mainly thankfulness for such a good few weeks but also sadness as we are coming to the end of our time here at the training centre.

Friday is the last day of instructions in two locations. Allan will be teaching pastoral counseling skills to the Pastors group, while Rosanne will be teaching Quilting and the last of the breadmaking at the church in town. Charles will be visiting the clinic to provide supplies that they can use, and Ross will be wrapping up some maintenance jobs around the centre and close the water testing holes around the site.

Charles with his class of First Aid Skills learners

We will be packing up on Saturday, sleep at Daniel and Florence’s home that night, and then start to head back to Livingston via Mission of Love and Nyawa. In Nyawa we plan to meet with the Sewing group and see the work done by Georgetown Rotary Club at the Nyawa Secondary School.


For many years now we have hoped and prayed for a better access road to the Training centre that is located very close to the Masasabi resettlement scheme. Well, yesterday morning on our way to town, we were met with the sight of surveyors marking out the new road!!

On enquiry, we learned that they plan a two-lane gravel road the same standard as the one between the Ferry and Itezhi-tezhi!

It seems almost unreal and I’m so thankful for how God’s plan is falling into place! Currently, the 7 km stretch of road takes approx 25min to drive, and it is almost not passable in the rainy season. And now, as we start to look at the development of the Life Impact Training Centre, a proper road is being added!

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. – Jeremiah 29:11‭-‬13 NLT

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