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Aug 4 – Itezhi-tezhi

Aug 4 – Itezhi-tezhi

Aug 4 – Itezhi-tezhi

By Kim Burgsma

Our trip to Itezhi-Tezhi began with no breakfast at the lodge. They were to have breakfast ready at 6:00 am, but in warm cultures, time is really a suggestion only as the restaurant was dark with no one there. So, we went on our way as we needed to catch the ferry. Our drive was very interesting but apparently much less so, since they put in a road part way in. It was more like off-roading in an obstacle course trying to dodge potholes on the sand road and between trees. We are blessed with brand new rental 4×4 trucks however, we are responsible for any scratches it will quite likely return with. First flat tire sometime after Choma.

The landscape went from completely brown to some green the closer we got to Itezhi-tezhi. The river runs alongside some of the road and lush vegetable gardens were grown by hand watering from the river. The termite hills are something else! Hundreds of huge mounds as high as your head. The villages we passed were small mud and thatched huts sometimes with a pool table under a roof or a child sitting with a cell phone. Quite the juxtaposition.

When we got to the ferry, hoping it would get our trucks across, we bought 8 home baked scones for 24 Kwatcha – the equivalent of about $1.50. YUM! 

The gem at the end was meeting with Pastor Florence and Daniel in their home instead of ours. Such an amazing couple and Daniel is the same as always – smiling constantly and laughing.

We joined them in their church service where we were once again welcomed like celebrities. Honestly, I wish everyone could hear their voices singing. Hugh measured the decibels of 6 of them singing at over 100. Our entire church with instruments may not run more than 80 dbs.

We arrived at the training centre early evening and settled into our chalets.

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