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Aug 14 – Nanzhila to Mission of Love

Aug 14 – Nanzhila to Mission of Love

Aug 14 – Nanzhila to Mission of Love

By Bonnie Borchardt
After a wonderful rest at Nanzhila Game Park, we set off on a day of travel and adventure!
We started early and drove all day to visit Amber and Jako Hubert at their Mission of Love Orphanage near Kalomo. They are dear friends who have helped rescue us many times from car break downs and are always a favorite place to visit. We drove through Kafue National Park to Dumdumwezi Gate at the southern end, where we had a picnic lunch. We
then drove over the mountain to Amber and Jako. Lianti and Hugh especially enjoyed driving through dried out riverbeds and over dongas (deep crevices in the terrain). It was a moving experience to see the small villages and gardens, and myriads of walking trails they live
their lives on high above the bustling Zambian towns. Once we survived the bouncing trek over the mountain, we asked one of the young people we met, Loveness, for directions and he knew Jako and had been at the house earlier in the day. We shared a delicious chicken curry dinner with Jako and family and settled into warm beds to set out again tomorrow.

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