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Jul 25 – The Countdown is on!

Jul 25 – The Countdown is on!

Jul 25 – The Countdown is on!

In five days a team of 8 will be heading to Zambia – God willing! It’s time for final checklists and arrangements! So much to do and time is running out!

As we prepare to squeeze in last-minute items, I want ask you for prayer: for our travel logistics, for New Life Tabernacle and their preparations, to all the people traveling from far to join the conference and 30-year celebrations, that God will protect every person’s life and that everyone will benefit from the trip.

The team: Allan Studd, Bonnie Borchardt, Connie Phillips, Heather McDonald, Hugh & Kim Burgsma, Lianti, and Wendy Wilker-Blakely.

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