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Once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Friday was preparation day with getting supplies, materials etc. before we headed out to Itezhi-tezhi. We also met with Jako, Amber and family, and were glad that we could bless them with children’s clothing, a few toys, medical supplies, and a blanket crocheted by Kim’s mom. Our friend Jay Shah, owner of the hardware store in Livingstone, is very much involved with wildlife conservation. It just happened that he was scheduled to take food to the herd of rhinoceros in the drought-stricken Mosi-oa-Tunya National Game Reserve, and he invited us to with him.

I have never been so close to a rhinoceros in my life! The game warden gave instructions and we followed them to the herd that was relaxing in the setting sun. It was an honour to watch them walk over when they smelled the food!

The night was rounded off by a buffet dinner with Jay and Latte – So good!

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One Response

  1. I am sure the medical supplies children’s clothes, toys and blanket were much appreciated.
How cool to see rhinos up close and personal in their natural habitat.