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Aug 3 – Namwala

Namwala Church

Aug 3 – Namwala

Namwala Church

Aug 3 – Namwala

Namwala Church

By Kim Burgsma

Our arrival at Namwala was the most heart-moving time of our trip so far.  The entire congregation was there to greet us! As we came into the church they sang as beautifully as any choir we’ve heard.  Surely this is what it will sound like in heaven when we get there. They clapped and danced to the point when we were individually introduced you’d think we were movie stars. It was especially wonderful for Hugh and I to see one of the churches and people we tithed to build several years ago. Misty-eyed we were.

We joined the pastor George and his wife, Beauty, for dinner at our lodge for the night.  Their children’s names are Happiness and Blessing. Apt names for such a beautiful family.

Alan had heard of the Black Jesus art at home and knew we were passing through Choma on our way. This resulted in a wonderful visit to Njase Girls School. Inside the chapel is the art by N Suma created in 1966. The multiple large murals are a national treasure and a private entity has taken on their preservation by visiting them every 3 years and doing any necessary restoration.

We met Dorothy and Coyie for lunch at a pizza place. It was nice to meet some of Lianti’s friends. Outside the restaurant, you can see the effects of the drought as small children were waiting outside hoping to have leftover pizza. Of course, we shared, but that causes problems as then everyone sees and wants some too. It’s hard to see.

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