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EMI wrapping up and Canadians on their way

EMI wrapping up and Canadians on their way

EMI wrapping up and Canadians on their way

I aam absolutely amazed and thankful in what was achieved over the last few days! Yesterday the EMI team did a presentation to the Life Impact Training Centre Board and pastors of the conceptual design they developed together.

They marked out where the main admin /office block would be and the whole group walked there to pray for the vision. It was very touching!

It was hard to say goodbye, but many new friendships were formed and we look forward to connect again.

Impact Team 2023

After last minute flight cancellations and I would think a lot of stress with that, the Canadian team left with 8 bags loaded with supplies and 4 carry ons! Thank you to Bonnie and Aidan for helping and hosting the team at my house ❤️

Charles, Ross, Allan and Rosanne, with Bonnie, their driver!

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