Prayer Request

  • Please pray for our partners in Zambia, New Life Tabernacle and Cell Ministries (NLT).
  • Our country leaders are Daniel and Florence Mayapi. They have been tirelessly dedicated to planting churches and serving impoverished rural communities in the southwestern regions of Zambia.
  • Pastors Daniel and Florence Mayapi are from Zambia’s Lozi tribe. They and seven other believers founded New Life Tabernacle and Cell Ministries in 1994.
  • Also pray for the pastors and their families, who are all tent-makers under very difficult circumstances.
  • Pray for the communities where New Life Tabernacle is present. Currently, there is severe drought in southwestern Zambia with food shortages. Most people are subsistence farmers. The government is bringing in food at regulated prices, but not enough.
Please volunteer if you are willing to be a prayer partner to whom we can email specific requests as they crop up.