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First Building for the life impact training centre
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Life Impact Training Centre

Interact with the map to see the Life Impact Training Centre progress


Life Impact Training Centre

LITC vision: To take hands with community and make a sustainable impact in unemployment and spiritual growth.

LITC mission: To provide quality spiritual & leadership training while imparting life skills to members of the community.

Administration Classrooms Classrooms Female Dorms Male Dorms Library and Computer Room Workshops Male Dorm Female Dorm/Teacher Chalets Chapel Kitchen and Dining Hall Well Bathroom Block New Road Agriculture Fields Agriculture Fields Housing Temporary Staff Camping River front Sport Fields Caretakers housing Staff Housing New Well


3D Drawing of the Administration Building

Administration Building is marked by a grand entrance, the access point to all that lies beyond. You are welcomed by a tall entry archway leading into the central campus courtyard: the heart of the campus. This entry archway will be constructed from a special material indicating a welcome to the user. Under the entry archway you can access the two wings of the Administrative Building.


The classroom building consists of three rooms, each sized to seat up to 40 students, and each with storage rooms.

The classroom buildings will have a covered verandah along the fronts for rain protection.


The classroom building consists of three rooms, each sized to seat up to 40 students, and each with storage rooms.

The classroom buildings will have a covered verandah along the fronts for rain protection.

Female Dorms

Each student residence building consists of three sleeping rooms.
Each sleeping room will have three bunkbeds accommodating
6 students. A typical residence building will house up to 18
students. A cluster of six residence buildings will house up to 108
Students share a common courtyard, as well as two covered
gathering spaces between residence buildings.

Male Dorms

Each student residence building consists of three sleeping rooms. Each sleeping room will have three bunkbeds accommodating 6 students. A typical residence building will house up to 18 students. A cluster of six residence buildings will house up to 108 students sharing a common courtyard, as well as two covered gathering spaces between residence buildings.

Library and Computer Room

these two buildings will form the north side of the central courtyard and divide the central courtyard from a north end courtyard which will include future classrooms and workshop buildings.


five workshop buildings are anticipated; each being approximately 170m2. These will be located north of the future classrooms; slightly removed from the rest of the campus to assist with noise problems. The western edge of the workshops facing the soccer field can also become a tiered seating space for spectators to what the games.

Male Dorm

Each student residence building consists of three sleeping rooms. Each sleeping room will have three bunkbeds accommodating 6 students. A typical residence building will house up to 18 students. A cluster of six residence buildings will house up to 108 students sharing a common courtyard, as well as two covered gathering spaces between residence buildings.

Female Dorm/Teacher Chalets

Each Chalet houses one family or teacher. Four chalets are currently planned. The female dorm will make up the second half of the courtyard in a similar style to the other dorms.


The existing building will be modified into the Chapel. This building truly is the heart of the LITC project, where sewing classes have been provided, pastor training conferences are held, and large, covered dining takes place.

Kitchen and Dining Hall

The existing kitchen and dining hall are where catering classes and meals are held.

Note: The image is of the kitchen and chapel


The original well to support the needs of the Training Centre

Bathroom Block

The men’s and women’s

New Road

A new road is being built that passes by the Life Impact Training Centre

Agriculture Fields

Small-scale agriculture will help the training center promote self-reliance in the production of vegetables and other crops that can be supplied to the kitchen for student meals. This will also be an opportunity for any students who are interested in taking up a part-time job while on campus to grow and maintain vegetable and crop gardens. The Agriculture Zone has been proposed to be strategically located close to the existing water dam so that the learning center can easily access the available water source throughout the year for irrigation purposes.

Agriculture Fields

Small-scale agriculture will help the training center promote self-reliance in the production of vegetables and other crops that can be supplied to the kitchen for student meals. This will also be an opportunity for any students who are interested in taking up a part-time job while on campus to engage in the growing and maintenance of vegetables and crop gardens. The Agriculture Zone has been proposed to be strategically located close to the existing water dam so that the learning center can easily access the available water source throughout the year for irrigation purposes.

Housing Temporary Staff

4 replicas of these chalets will be developed along the river edge. Slightly removed from the campus, this tranquil space will be for temporary visiting staff to stay. It allows them to have moments where they can retrieve and enjoy the natural beauty of the space.


A future camping area is planned along the river, with an ablution also planned for this area.

River front

Sport Fields

The LITC will include Sports Fields for organized games, activities and exercise.

Caretakers housing

Housing will be build for the LITC Caretakers.

Staff Housing

Housing will be built for the LITC staff.

New Well


The Life Impact Training Centre (LITC) is a beacon of hope and opportunity in our community. Designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive, the Centre operates on Christian principles where the focus is on skills development and spiritual growth. The intent is to have the opportunity for Christian fellowship while studying, although you don’t have to be Christian to attend (just like you would in school). Our goal is to create a supportive environment where everyone can learn, grow, and succeed. LITC is in a very remote area, where the closest training centre is approximately a six-hour drive. We focus on bringing employable skills and spiritual growth to the district of Itezhi-tezhi, which has a population of about 60 000 people. In this area, most people are subsistence farmers, or fishers, and a few engaged in the Kafue National Park, or in small businesses in Itezhi-tezhi. The five objectives of the Life Impact Training Centre are:
  1. To empower the community by providing effective spiritual and church Leadership programs.
  2. To advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ by training people in Christian Life and ministry.
  3. To complement government efforts through providing vocational and technical skills training through skills development courses, classroom instruction and utilizing available tools for practical learning activities.
  4. To empower vulnerable adults with survival skills through free knowledge-sharing programs.
  5. To conduct and participate in evangelistic outreaches and teaching seminars.

Future Development

We have exciting plans for the future of the Life Impact Training Centre. Upcoming projects include the expansion of our facilities, and the introduction of new training programs. LITC vision: To take hands with community and make a sustainable impact in unemployment and spiritual growth. LITC mission: To provide quality spiritual & leadership training while imparting life skills to members of the community. We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation, ensuring our Centre remains at the forefront of empowerment and education. The Life Impact Training Centre currently encompasses:
  • Thatched roof multipurpose building with two rooms
  • 2 Borehole (Wells)
  • Kitchen
  • Hostel with 6 rooms and two bathrooms
  • 2 teacher chalets
  • Basic workshop and storage room
  • Toilet block
Looking ahead, we aim to expand our reach and deepen our impact. While the long-term plan is being put in place, the “Share your Knowledge” training and church leadership development continue on the LITC site as resources allow it. We have developed a seven-year phased implementation plan (2024 to 2031) to move from 50 to 320 students, and to expand the course offering from three to nine over the same period. Over time our goal is to have a self-sustaining institution, underpinned by faith, capable of transforming lives in the Itezhi-Tezhi district. This would be offered through vocational skills training while continuing to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The courses identified by the local communities, in addition to spiritual growth, and leadership, as the biggest needs include: bricklayer, plumbing, tailoring, carpentry, catering, electrical childcare, hospitality, welding, entrepreneurship and computer literacy.

Training Programs

Through the use of short-term team members, the Impact Zambia program pairs up the unique skills of the team members, with the needs in the community. The programs are typically one week in length, and provide leadership skills, personal development and practical income-generating skills. We have brought skills in sewing, carpentry, catering, entrepreneurship, bread making, building maintenance, quilting, pastoral and marriage counselling, supervision for social workers, first aid, working with people with disabilities, psychology, painting, personal development workshops. Once the training centre is operational, the training programs will run in three blocks of three months each: Jan – Mar; May – Jul; and Sep – Nov. The remaining month (April, Aug and Dec) are for informal church leadership and Share Your Knowledge programs.

Impact on the Community

The Life Impact Training Centre has already made a significant impact. Our trainees have gone on to start their own businesses, secure employment, and contribute to their communities. Success stories abound, from women who have gained financial independence through our sewing program to young people who have found new career paths. These stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our training programs and the dedication of our team.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Our success is built on strong partnerships with local and international organizations. We collaborate with NGOs, government agencies, Rotary International, and private sector partners to enhance our programs and extend our reach. Together, we are creating a network of support that empowers individuals and strengthens communities.

Ways to show your support